Practise comparative & superlative adjectives in the ESL classroom with this fun folk song, “Grab me a jar” by Alan Smith Robertson (on Spotify, published under the stagename Grumpy Old Man), which also addresses the dangers of alcohol. This song contains FOURTEEN comparative or superlative adjectives: bad, big, crazy, fast, good, great, loud, open, pretty,…
Parts of Speech
Alan Smith Robertson – Drink my tears
Practise connectors such as “and”, “but”, “or”, “so”, “although”… etc. in the ESL classroom with this beautiful folk song, “Drink my tears” by Alan Smith Robertson (on Spotify, published under the stagename Grumpy Old Man). The lyrics of this song includes FIFTEEN (15) different connectors: although, and, as, but, ’cause, even when, in spite of,…
Jack Johnson – Broken
Practice connectors in your ESL class with this song, Broken by Jack Johnson. There are 11 different examples of the connectors and, because, but, or & so but the song lyrics also include the connectors at least, until & well for more advanced level students. There is a suggestion on how to use this song…
Alan Smith Robertson – Lie la lie
Practise indefinite pronouns such as somebody, anyone, nothing, everywhere… etc. in the ESL classroom with this beautiful folk song, Lie la Lie by Alan Smith Robertson (on Spotify, published under the stagename Grumpy Old Man). The lyrics of this song contain all the indefinite pronouns: somebody, someone, something, somewhere, anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere, nobody, no-one,…
Alan Smith Robertson – Chica Walkin’ Down the Street
Practise body actions and movements in the ESL classroom with this epic & energetic song, Chica Walkin’ Down the Street by Alan Smith Robertson. This song helps to study and learn the following 17 body movements & actions: appear, breathe, cry, disappear, fall, feel, freeze, kill, look like, smell, smile, stutter, talk, touch, walk, walk…
Johnny Nash – I can see clearly now
Practice vocabulary related to “the weather” with this classic song, I can see clearly now by Johnny Nash. There are 9 examples of weather-related words in this song, whose lyrics are appropriate for lower-level students: blue, bright, clouds, dark, day, rain, rainbow, skies, sunshiny. There is a suggestion on how to use this song in…
Alanis Morissette – Hand in my pocket
Practise adjectives, specifically adjectives that describe people with this song, Hand in my pocket, by Alanis Morissette The lyrics of this song contain the following 28 adjectives that can describe people: broke, happy, poor, kind, short, healthy, high, grounded, sane, overwhelmed, lost, hopeful, drunk, sober, young, underpaid, tired, restless, free, focused, green, wise, hard, friendly,…
The Beatles – Across the universe
Practise prepositions (especially of place) in your ESL class with this song, Across the universe by The Beatles. The lyrics of this song contain 9 different prepositions: out, into, across, of, through (x2), before, on (x4), inside & around There is a suggestion on how to use this song in your ESL classes below, but…
The Beatles – Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Practise prepositions (especially of place & movement) in your ESL class with this song, Lucy in the sky with diamonds by The Beatles. The lyrics of this song contain 12 different prepositions: at, away, by, down, for, in, of, on, over, past, to & with There is a suggestion on how to use this song…
Lenka – Everything at once
Practise adjectives and animals/nature with this song full of similes, Everything at once, by Lenka The lyrics of this song contain the following 33 adjectives: sly, strong, fast, brave, quiet, big, mean, sharp, deep, dark, sweet, right, long, ugly, pretty, strong, bright, light, hard, grand, warm, silly, cool, scary, hot, cold, old, straight, royal, buzzed,…
Louis Armstrong – What a Wonderful World!
Practise colours & adjectives as well as the basic present simple tense in your ESL class with this classic song, What a Wonderful World! by Louis Armstrong. These song lyrics include the following 10 adjectives: green, red, wonderful, blue, white, bright, blessed, dark, sacred & pretty The song also uses the following verbs in the…
The Beatles – All Together Now
Practise numbers, the pronunciation of letters, and colours in your ESL class with this classic song, All Together Now by The Beatles. The lyrics of this song contain the numbers 1 to 10, the letters A to J, and the following 9 colours black, white, green, red, pink, brown, yellow, orange & blue so it…
Alan Smith Robertson – Get out of Bed
“Get out of Bed” is a highly motivational song written for English teachers to practise another, other(s), and the other(s) the fun way in the ESL classroom, and it comes with an easy-to-use worksheet! The lyrics of this song use the following 9 examples of other: This song comes with a worksheet and is available…
Alan Smith Robertson – No tears will be shed
“No tears will be shed” is a song written for English teachers to use in the ESL classroom to practise quantifiers. The lyrics of this song include the following 13 different examples of quantifiers: a lot, all, any, both, enough, a few, (very) little, many, much / so much / too much, no, nothing, plenty,…
Alan Smith Robertson – Don’t try to change me
Practice adjectives of personality with this song, Don’t try to change me by Alan Smith Robertson. These song lyrics include 20 adjectives of personality: generous, hardworking, outgoing, strong, reliable, sensitive, perfect, unique, selfish, unsympathetic, lazy, unfriendly, unsociable, bad-tempered, moody, happy, sad, jealous, insecure & stubborn. This song comes with a worksheet and and is also…
Alan Smith Robertson – A Broken Heart
Practise adverbs of frequency in the ESL classroom with this song, A Broken Heart by Alan Smith Robertson. These song lyrics include 11 adverbs of frequency: always, constantly, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, once in a while, now and then, rarely, hardly ever & never. This song comes with a worksheet and is available for download…
Alan Smith Robertson – My Favourite Shirt
Practice the topic of clothes with this song, My Favourite Shirt by Alan Smith Robertson. These song lyrics include 20 examples of different items of clothing: underpants, shorts, jeans, suit, shoes, waistcoat, tie, shirt, flip-flops, boots, slippers, bathrobe, bathing suit, raincoat, t-shirt, mini-skirt, gloves, high heels, tights & dress. In addition to those twenty items…
Alan Smith Robertson – Getting Older
Practice the uses of the verb “to get” with this song, Getting Older by Alan Smith Robertson. These song lyrics include 20 examples of the verb to get in different tenses: This song comes with a worksheet and is available for download in mp3. To see other suggestions on how to use this song in…
Alan Smith Robertson – Gimme some Love
Practice the prepositions ON, AT & IN with expressions of time with this fun song, Gimme some Love by Alan Smith Robertson. This song’s lyrics include 12 examples of the prepositions on, at & in with different time expressions: ON a Friday, IN April, AT noon, AT the weekend, ON Sunday, IN June, AT 5…
Alan Smith Robertson – Hopes & Doubts & Fears
Practise adverbs of manner with this song, Hopes & Doubts & Fears by Alan Smith Robertson. These song lyrics include 13 adverbs of manner: anxiously, awkwardly, badly, bravely, foolishly, quietly, sadly, silently, slowly, softly, fast, hard & well. This song comes with a worksheet and is available for download in mp3. To see other suggestions…